I am proud to announce the first Giveaway Raffle on this blog!
I just found this Rafflecopter widget; it is very neat and makes this raffle easy for you! There is one mandatory entry followed by some optional ways to enter as well. Click on the entry options below and follow the instructions.
Make sure if you choose to write an article linking back to this post that you publish it first, then come back here to enter the contest. You will need to enter the link of the article in the Rafflecopter widget.
Mandatory to play: Like YODTO on Facebook.
- Tweet about the giveaway + 10 Entries
- Follow us on Twitter +5 Entries
- Blog about the giveaway +10 Entries
- Leave a comment on any post +5 Entries
You can increase your entries by +10 each day by tweeting the link again!
Please share this with your friends! The winner will be chosen at random by Rafflecopter on December 18th.
You can share this link on your site as well by copying and pasting this link:
Good luck!

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