I wrote a guest post for MyMoney Design called “How to Reverse Lifestyle Inflation”. MMD has put together a very comprehensive site dedicated to helping people with money and life. Please feel free to comment on the post and share it on your favorite social media site!
I have been guest posting quite a bit (which I love doing), but I will finish the week out with some posts on my own site for sure.
Here are a few more great posts this week that I think you will like to read:
1500 Days to Freedom: Required Reading; Warren Buffet
Advanced Riskology : Welcoming Brewpony
Be More With Less: Inch by Inch Decluttering
Canadian Budget Binder : How I Reduced our Grocery Budget from $1100 to $600
Club Thrifty : Our Majestic Adventure
Eyes on the Dollar : Money Memories and a Canon Rebel Giveaway
Reach Financial Independence : Try Change, It’s Good
The Frugal Toad : Budgeting Tips
The Great JollyHoombah : Not What You Think
Average Joe’s Money Blog : How I Learned to Avoid Bone Headed Financial Moves
Monster Piggy Bank : A No Headache Checklist for Moving House
6 Birds Financial : Predator of the Middle Class : Your Car
The more I read around the blogosphere, the more links there are to post here. Too many great reads! Enjoy.
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