The Freedom of Doing Away with a Monthly Phone Contract
Do you find yourself constantly checking your smartphone during your waking hours, and even sleeping with it next to you at night? Many of us are glued at the hip to our various pieces of technology, and pay good money for the privilege! Yet taking a break from constant phone use can really help put your back in touch with other forms of communication, including the self-reflective kind. Spending less time looking down at your phone allows you to enjoy more of the sights and sounds in real life. You don’t have to get rid of your phone completely to start experiencing these benefits, however. Another option is to reduce your mobile phone reliance by freeing yourself up from a long-term contract. This offers additional benefits which are worth exploring, particularly if you’re looking for a way to save money. One of the reasons why many of us sign up for long-term phone contracts is in the interest of getting a brand new smartphone. The thought of purchasing an off-contract phone can be a daunting prospect, because it’s such a big upfront expense. However, there is a thriving market for used phones, allowing you to not only benefit from the discount provided by purchasing a used model but also resell your phone down the road to get some of your money back. Not being tied down to a contract means that you can purchase any make or model you like, rather than being roped into the latest models that the providers are trying to push. You can also control your phone bills and usage by opting for prepaid. If you only use your phone a few times a week, you will only pay for these calls rather than a predetermined number of minutes. For occasional cell phone users or those trying to cut back, this is a great way to save money. Have you ever returned from a trip abroad only to be surprised with a nasty phone bill, thanks to all the roaming charges? This is another reason to get rid of a phone contract, and avoid using your regular phone on holiday. There are numerous alternatives to stay in touch with friends and family back home, from international calling cards to free SIM card numbers that cater to your local destination. Choosing a prepaid option gives you the freedom from worrying about roaming fees and international charges, because you can shop around to find the best rates ahead of time. There are numerous providers that specialise in overseas calls. For example, at Lebara.UK you’ll find low cost calling options to a variety of countries. Another option is to use online tools like Skype and Rebtel when travelling, which often provide free calls to users in the same network. If you’re trying to wean yourself from a smartphone addiction, going prepaid is a good way to start. It allows you to have the security of a phone for practical use. Even if you’re not trying to cut back on your phone usage, prepaid plans can save you money particularly when travelling. These are all a few reasons to consider the alternatives to long-term contracts.

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