I have a huge pile of books waiting to be read over the next month. I fell a bit behind in January and February, but I am ready to rumble again. The amount of great writing out there is truly inspirational to me!
My path out of debt was paved with many incredible life-changing books. The cloud of debt has almost completely passed, and behind it is an endless universe of learning about following my passions. Notice that I use “passions” in the plural; freeing my life from the shackles of debt has opened my mind to many new experiences and feelings.
So here are the books ready to be opened:
I came across Chris Guillebeau’s popular online manifesto “A Brief Guide to World Domination,” a few months ago. The Art of Non-Conformity defies common assumptions about life and work while arming readers with the tools to live differently. In a very engaging way, Chris insists we discover how to live on our our terms by exploring creative self-employment, radical goal-setting, contrarian travel, and embracing life as a constant adventure. You can visit Chris’ site here.
I have loved reading Francine’s blog, Miss Minimalist. Her book, The Joy of Less, is a guide to minimalist living. She presents the STREAMLINE method: ten easy steps to rid your house of clutter. She also discusses how to go room by room, outlining specific ways to tackle clutter. There are many other sections in the book as well; I can’t wait to read it!
Okay, another one from Guillebeau, but it is right up my alley. Still in his early thirties, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth – he’s already visited more than 175 nations – and yet he’s never held a “real job” or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. This book is coming at such an incredible time in my life, as there is no silver bullet for creating the career you want; just hard work.
Continuing along the lines of simplicity and minimalism, the laws of subtraction is a must read for me. Success in this new age looks different and demands a new skill: Subtraction. Subtraction is defined simply as the art of removing anything excessive, confusing, wasteful, unnatural, hazardous, hard to use, or ugly . . . or the discipline to refrain from adding it in the first place. And if subtraction is the new skill to be acquired, we need a guide to developing it. This is it, apparently!
This was supposed to be a December read, but I did not get to it. You may as well watch this video instead of reading my reason for choosing this book:
Well, I certainly have a ton to read, but I am so excited to get started! Let me know in the comment sections what you are reading. I will add it to my Amazon wish list!

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