The 80-20 Money Saving Formula

The 80-20 Money Saving Formula

Saving is one of the hardest things to do especially if you have never followed the 80-20 money saving formula. Finding the right balance between how much you earn and spend or save can prove to be a huge challenge. …

The Debt to Income Ratio Factor

The Importance of Your Debt to Income Ratio

Your debt to income ratio is a pretty big factor in determining your credit score.  The biggest factor is still whether you pay your bills on time, but your debt to income ratio or DTI as it’s commonly …

Debt to Income Ratio Calculator

Debt to Income Ratio Calculator

If you are trying to get a loan or a line of credit you may want to check your DTI with an online debt to income ratio calculator. What is DTI? It stands for debt to income ratio and it is a major factor when banks …

When Paying Down Debt, Downsizing, Decluttering and Simplifying Allows Your Universe to Open Up

“A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.” ~H.D. Thoreau, 1817-1862 

My, oh my, how my life has changed in the past two years.

Anyone who has read this blog long enough knows about my transformation with …

Lessons Learned in Automobile “Ownership”

No one was a bigger idiot when it came to car ownership than I was a few years ago.

Until I was 35 years old, I never had a car payment.  Pretty cool, right?  But I bought my first car 5 years ago and things went south really fast.

Here are the …