The 80-20 Money Saving Formula

The 80-20 Money Saving Formula

Saving is one of the hardest things to do especially if you have never followed the 80-20 money saving formula. Finding the right balance between how much you earn and spend or save can prove to be a huge challenge. …

The Freedom of Doing Away with a Monthly Phone Contract

The Freedom of Doing Away with a Monthly Phone Contract

Do you find yourself constantly checking your smartphone during your waking hours, and even sleeping with it next to you at night? Many of us are glued at the hip to our various pieces of …

Downsizing Within Your Home

After our wonderful 7 weeks in Vermont this summer, our family returned to Jersey and instinctively began to get rid of stuff yet again.  We have spent the past 2 years seriously decluttering, yet somehow there was even more to do.  After almost two …

Lessons Learned From 7 Weeks in the Woods

I just came back from living in Vermont for over 7 weeks, and I feel rejuvenated (as always is the case!).

To leave the suburbs of New Jersey and the craziness of New York City for some time is always very healthy for me and my family; I always …

Resolve to Declutter

The Resolution to Save Money and Fulfilling that Goal

This Chinese New Year, renew old resolutions or stand by new ones. A common resolution that people make at the start of the year is to save money. Want to go on a trip? Give your parents a big …