Hi, I’m Tony. I am extremely flattered that you have gotten as far in this blog as to wondering who I am. Welcome!
I have loved reading books and learning new things my entire life. The learning curve has always made me feel like I am truly alive. My professional background is in teaching and now part time blogger.
A year ago, I woke up and noticed that my free spending ways were out of control. I decided to sell most of my “stuff”, ditch all of my debt, downsize my life, and pursue only work I am passionate about.
I have a goal of an extreme early “retirement” soon, where I will focus all of my attention on my non-profit activities that help the community at large.
In short there are certain things in life we should only do once. Getting into uncontrolled debt, sustained unhealthy lifestyle and living a unfulfilled life.
I have dedicated this blog to send out a reaching hand to all those who deserve to live a more meaningful, healthy and prosperous life!
In my “spare” time, I like to catch up with friends. I currently run a 9 minute mile, play music and carry a 16 handicap in golf