To be able to play and teach trombone at a high level, I still need to actively practice every day, which I happily do. Actually, practicing has never been more enjoyable to me than it is now. The 1-1 1/2 hours I get to escape my day and just play my horn at the highest level possible is a chance to find my balance; the day I stop doing this is the day I lose myself. Interestingly enough, every Friday I leave the university saying “wow, wouldn’t it be cool to just go back to only doing this!”. Somehow, though, I think it may ruin the whole experience….maybe?
I love all of the jobs that I spend my time doing, but there comes a point with all of them where I yearn to escape..so I do! If I am having a “WTF” day as an administrator, I can heal the soul by grabbing the trombone. If I am having a bad practice day, I can design a brochure for my summer festival. Each “escape” makes me feel free (not “locked in”) and benefits the other work I do. I also approach the other work with a fresh perspective and joy, very thankful that I have the outlet; and each outlet presents its own challenges and learning curves. I know it sounds a bit weird….I am still trying to figure it out. Call it an identity crisis, I don’t know!
My wife, who is super passionate about yoga, was discussing this with me earlier. Her friend (who noticed how great at yoga my wife was becoming) asked her why she didn’t try to open her own studio. My wife replied that she loves being a student and learning it; she’s more passionate about it that way. If she started teaching it and it became a job, it would lose its luster.
The bottom line is that when a passion becomes a “job”, it takes a different form (that isn’t good or bad; it just is). I know that many of my friends who read this blog are some of the best musicians on this earth….Some may agree with me and some may not. All I am saying is that my level of passion is linked to the freedom that occurs from not HAVING to do the stuff I do if I choose. The less I have to do it, the more I want to do it.
I’m interested in your thoughts regarding your passion as it pertains to your job!
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