Want To Get More Done? Take a Break!

We work longer hours, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we are getting more done.  Brain science suggests that longer hours don’t necessarily mean greater output.

These same studies have shown that taking tiny breaks throughout the day yields huge …

8 Ways to Be Selfish Before Beginning Your Day

If you are like me, you spend your days doing a lot of things for other people.  For instance, I am an administrator and a teacher; I am constantly serving others, albeit by choice.  Add in children of your own, and if you are not careful you have no …

How To Add Hours To Your Day

Many of my friends and colleagues have finally discovered my blog.  They also know about all of the other activities I am involved in, as well as the fact that I have other jobs.  Without fail, the question always comes up:
 “How …

Disconnect From the Internet

Pretty ironic that I am about to write a post on disconnecting from the Internet while you are reading this blog on a website, huh?  Well, I am only going to write about taking a short break each day from the Internet to boost your productivity. …

Getting Things Done

“Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action.” ~ David Kekich 

It took me some time, but I finally got a copy of David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” (hereby referred to in this and future posts as GTD).  Most of …