I had a guest post published yesterday, and although I am a bit late in letting you know about it, I think you will find it interesting:
On Eyes On The Dollar: I wrote a post for Kim called the 10 Step Program For Getting Out of Debt. There have already been a lot of comments on it, so if you like it please share on your favorite social media site! Kim is an optometrist who blogs about working smarter (not always harder) to pay off debt, invest, and spend more time with her family. The blog is very well written and informative. Put it on your list of personal finance blogs to read daily!
I have been getting to know many fellow bloggers who share my passion for financial peace and simplicity. Here are some great posts from them:
Pauline@Reach Financial Independence: 13 Money Resolutions for 2013: Crush Your Debt!
John S@Frugal Rules: Tips for Shopping Smarter
DC@Young Adult Money: 10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Finances in the New Year
Grayson@Debt Roundup: The Best Personal Finance Tips of 2012
KrantCents: There is Always Something!
Mr. CBB@Canadian Budget Binder: A Beginner’s Guide to Early Retirement
Glen@Monster Piggy Bank: Get Smarter About Money in 6 Steps
Crystal@Budgeting in the Fun Stuff: Weekly Favorites, Gratitude, and Giveaways
I know I missed a few here. There is so much incredible stuff to read online, and I will update this list frequently. Happy Reading!

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