Archives for November 2012

Learn About Extreme Early Retirement

Let’s be honest here:

There are only a few people in the world who are truly able to carry out a successful early retirement, especially when they do not have the gift of a pension to supplement their extreme savings. While I have been (and …

Cooking and Community Building

As time goes on, I will be writing quite a few posts about the summer camp I run with my wife, and all of the incredible aspects of the institution that I try to bring back to “real life” during the year.  One of my favorite traditions at camp occur …

Fight the Boredom of Winning

One of the best feelings in the world is changing something in your life and immediately reaping the benefits of the change.  For instance, if you take my advice and create a budget in order to viciously pay off debt, you will see results immediately …

No One Wants To Be A Stargazer

I’ll never forget watching a Mets game in the middle of the day one summer when I was 16 years old.  It was a low key game in the middle of the season, nothing huge at stake quite yet.  Tim McCarver used to announce the games on TV back then (the guy …

Align Your Spending To Your Values

If I wrote this post in the Spring, this would be a complete turn off the tv challenge.  I am, however, a ridiculously huge Denver Broncos fan who never misses a game.  Therefore, I am allowing myself 3 hours of TV watching per week for the length of …