The questions you ask yourself daily give you focus. They also give you perspective.
There is no way that I have ever been able to answer all the questions below in the affirmative but man, how I try! These questions help me focus on what is important when many people and circumstances around me pull me in different directions. These questions are inspired by an article from Inc. Magazine, a blog from Tiny Buddha, and all the great conversations I have had with close friends over the years.
Ask these questions to yourself at the end of each day and I guarantee you will begin to experience some serious change, new perspective and success:
- Have I done something today to improve the world?
- Have I conditioned my body to be more strong, flexible, and resilient?
- Have I made sure that those I love feel loved?
- Have I accomplished something worthwhile?
- Have I reviewed my goals and honed them for the future?
- What are the 10 things that add the most value to my life?
- Have I felt grateful for being alive?
- Did I spend my very finite life energy on meaningful ventures?
- If I die tomorrow, (you can fill in the blank here…)
- Have I helped someone less fortunate?
“What you do today is important because you are exchanging your life for it” ~Anonymous

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